Saturday, March 10, 2012

Enoch is 5 Months Old!

So Enoch had his 5 month birthday while we were traveling last week (more on the trip later).  We didn't really celebrate, but he still had a good day because he got to hang out with Mommy & Daddy all day.  :)

Here are some new things that have happened in the past month:

Sounds- Enoch now likes to squeal and scream more.  Usually these sounds are one of two things: 1) excitement, 2) boredom (he wants someone to entertain him more by changing the activity).  Sometimes, his squeals can turn into screams though if he's over-tired and feeling too stimulated to go to sleep.  :(  He has also started whining.  Although this might sound like "real" crying to a bystander, Hugh and I have come to be able to distinguish this whining cry from real cries (which he doesn't do that much of now).  One example of when he does this cry is in the mornings.  After he wakes up I'll change his diaper BEFORE he gets to eat breakfast, aka nurse, and he does NOT think that is a good idea.  He thinks that as soon as he sees Mom in the morning that our number one priority should be nursing, and I understand since he's sleeping 12-14 hours at night.  Unfortunately for him, we've tested this cry and discovered that it's just a whine because if Daddy gets him out of the crib and changes his diaper, he doesn't whine a bit...  Interesting, huh?  ;)

Sleep- Still sleeping from around 5 or 6 pm until 7 or 8 am.  I keep reminding myself though that when more teeth come or a cold hits us or any other number of changes occur, that the extended sleep may come to a halt.  

Size- We had another wellness check up for Enoch a few weeks ago, and his official stats were 19.5 lbs  and 26" long.  That's up exactly 1 lb and 1" since our last appointment (6 weeks ago).  I think the 19.5 number is slightly misleading though because with a diaper and clothes on, I'm carrying around a 20-21 lb baby.  In fact, when I was sick a few weeks ago, Hugh took care of a lot of Enoch's needs and the next day said that he was a little sore.  tehehe!  Little Man has also pretty much outgrown all of his 9 mos clothes, so I have stocked up on 12-18 mos now (more on that later too). And for those of you who haven't seen Enoch lately, let me just show you how much he's grown...

1 day old with Granny Sandy

4.5 months old on the same boppy

Eating- We have been continuing the oatmeal (about 1/8 cup 2x per day) and 4 nursings.  For now we are planning to wait on real food until his 6 mos birthday because that's what our Doc recommended.  (I've read that the reason is twofold: digestive system's maturation and avoidance of allergies.)

Activities- Although Enoch is still only half-rolling, he is enjoying tummy time much more. Sitting up is getting better, but he's still not strong enough for me to leave him sitting unassisted.  He also has started trying to put EVERYTHING  in his mouth.  Sometimes it looks like he's kissing, sometimes it looks like he's trying to eat said thing...  Probably the most recent development though is that Little Man has just started noticing other babies and getting really excited about seeing them.  This has most likely stemmed from me taking him into the bathroom to see the "other" baby in the mirror, which is always a fun activity.  ;)  Now he seems to get real excited and try to kiss any babies that he sees (although when he sees his friend who lives close to us who is older than him, he still just kind of stares at her.. possibly because she is crawling everywhere now and he's trying to figure out how she's doing that.  :)

tummy time with his lion

trying to "kiss" the "other" baby

And of course, here are a few videos, mainly for the grandparents (and great-grands).  The first is one of Little Man on his tummy (and it includes a squeal); the second one is of him trying to sit up unassisted.  Enjoy!


Allison said...

Jesse still does that same whining thing in the mornings. He is always fine until he sees me, but then if I leave his sight before feeding him, he loses it!

Anonymous said...

Mary and I called this a "fake cry", aka manipulation. Both did it lots, maybe all babies do. You're handling it right. Sounds like Hugh should be getting him up!!

Anonymous said...

thank you SO much for posting this blog!

Unknown said...

Allison- that's hilarious! Yes, "losing it" is a good description.

Don- Yeah, I think "fake cry" is also a good descriptor... maybe he gets it from his Medal blood.. haha, just kidding. :) Hugh does try to get him up if he can (because it's really fun when he smiles big at you), but sometimes the timing doesn't work out. :( And you're welcome- I really enjoy blogging. Glad to have readers. :)

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