Sunday, January 29, 2017

Adoption Update: We've been matched with a baby!

As of this past week, we have BIG news!!  A birth mother chose our family, and we've now been matched with a baby girl!!!  Baby girl is still growing in-utero, but there is a significant chance that she will be born premature, so we'd appreciate your prayers for her growth and development, as well as safety for her and her birth mother.

Baby Girl's Ultrasound 

We've been busy this week doing last minute preparations like washing baby clothes, packing our overnight bags, and talking to the NICU and lactation consultants at the hospital.  Our adoption agency has been great throughout this process, but especially over the past week, and the kids are more than excited.  Every time I talk to our adoption agency on the phone or we go run an adoption errand, Enoch almost squeals, "So are we going to meet the baby now??"  ;)  Overall, we are so so thankful to the Lord for His provision, and we are so so excited to meet baby girl Medal!!  We'll keep y'all posted!


Monday, January 23, 2017

Karis & Alaythia Learning to Run

Both girls have been getting faster and faster lately!  Here's a short video from our time at the refuge last week.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Refuge in January (edited)

Just a few pictures from our latest nature refuge trip.  We all love going out to the refuge so much!  This time we didn't see much wildlife, but we did hear quite a few birds, and we saw plenty of ducks swimming on the water as we drove in.  The kids really enjoy the boardwalk (and I do too since it's pretty safe for even the littlest ones), so we played there again this time.