Wednesday, July 27, 2011

30 Week Update

Well, we're in the middle of week 30, and lots is happening!

The saddest thing happening is that we sent our sweet dog, Skida, home to the farm with my mom & Craig because it is getting too hot for me to walk her daily. (And partially because we knew that when the baby came she would be even harder to take care of.) We're so thankful that my parents were willing to take her back again, and I've already heard a report from mom that Skida has adjusted to farm-life well. Here's our last family picture before Skida went back south. We will both miss her tons!! (Especially me because she has been such a faithful companion/helper and is always excited about even the littlest of things.)

Currently, I'm working on finishing the baby quilt and sewing some prefold cloth diapers. I really enjoy sewing and saving money, so these two adventures have kept me entertained for a few weeks now.. Pictures to come soon..

Baby E.J. seems to be moving around a lot more these days and reliably gets the hiccups 2-3 times a day. (: The baby is supposed to be around 3 pounds and 18" long now, but who knows how big E.J. is at this point with a daddy as big as Hugh. ;) Here's a belly picture for all those who want to take a guess at the gender of sweet E.J.