Friday, September 23, 2016

Homeschool Field Trips

For the past month I've been trying to be intentional about taking weekly "field trips" with the kids... going somewhere out of the house just for the sake of having fun and engaging with the world around us.  So far we've visited: the nature refuge (twice), a local park, and an orchard to pick muscadines.  We've all had so much fun, and I'm thankful that homeschooling allows us this flexibility and freedom!  Here are some pictures (though I don't have any pics of the park):

 This was a baby gator we saw on our first visit to the refuge.

And a beautiful white bird.  We also went and played in the nature center, which had some fun displays and a few sensory objects that the kids could touch.  Since we've been reading some of Thorton Burgess' books, Enoch noticed a few of the animals on display and asked some thoughtful questions.  

On our second visit, we got to watch this man catch a gator on his pole and reel it in to about 10' away from the shore.  Then the gator got angry and fought back hard, breaking the line.  

Can you see the gator swimming away after escaping?

We also saw some deer on our second trip to the refuge - 2 babies and one mama.  The mama is in the photo below.

Karis was happy to be outside!!!

 Our trip to the orchard to pick muscadines was also a lot of fun.  We went to Reese's Orchard, and Mr. Reese was sweet enough to walk with us through the field and show us which muscadines were ready to be picked.  And my were they delicious!!  

There were also butterflies galore, and the asian pears were tasty.  

Enoch pretended to be a bear, tromping through the forest.

And here's a picture of Alaythia after a game night we all went to one evening.  This is one of her favorite places to be, and she is more and more becoming a Daddy's girl.


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

August/September Catch Up

I've been a busy little beaver lately, and I honestly feel like I have a new part time job between applying for adoption grants and becoming more regular at doing school with Enoch.  So here's a quick update on the past few months...
hugging one of the last of the watermelons we bought... maybe we'll still get one more before the season's over though.  

every one keeps on growing!!  

Karis has been learning how to use a spoon, and though it is still a messy enterprise, she is doing such a good job, and is now quite the little independent eater 

Alaythia's been considering using a spoon, but she still prefers her fingers.  This was some of Gramma Patti's homemade applesauce, and everyone loved it!!

We bought a keyboard, and all of the kids enjoy playing music on it as well as dancing

Someone learned how to climb... and how to move furniture to get wherever she wants to climb... watch out world!

Enoch learned how to change a diaper.  He doesn't do it real often, but sometimes it is nice to have an extra set of hands on those wiggly girls.  :)

We visited the splash pad again

We call this "taxing" Daddy's snack. 

Enoch and Daddy camped in our living room, which went well and was enjoyed by both parties.  

Some of our sweet neighbors gave us a slide... the girls both love it so so much!!

Karis has become quite the little "reader"

 Enoch was hoping that the garage door would be able to lift up his red car...

We've been playing with our Amazon boxes.

And Karis has been helping Hugh mow.  Yesterday, he carried her while pushing the mower, and she enjoyed every second.