Monday, November 30, 2015

Weekend Fires in the Firepit

We have been really enjoying our fire pit lately.  Here are some pics from a few weekends back. 

Photo taken by Enoch

the boys

s'more hands

s'more face

sweet Karis enjoying her chair by the fire

fire snuggles... the best kind!

Friday, November 20, 2015

FFF: Alaythia's 9 month update

Baby Girl is growing right up!  I know that I just wrote her 6-8 month update, but a lot has happened in her little world over the past 30 days.  One of the first notable things, is that we got Alaythia's official height and weight at her 9 month check up.  Little one is weighing in at 20 pounds and is 28 inches already!  Her doctor visit went well, and overall she has been a pretty healthy baby.  She even survived all four of us getting the stomach bug without succumbing to it (Thank you, Jesus!!)!

Also new on the roster this month was crawling!  This has added a whole new dynamic to my daily life as a stay at home mama!!!  Thankfully though she is still slow and learning, and most of our house is safe for her to be in.  But what she lacks in speed, she certainly makes up for in determination!  If she sets her mind to crawling over to get a certain toy, then she is going to crawl over and get that toy, no matter how many times she might get moved or knocked down in the process. (I have NO idea where she gets such a stubborn nature about her... And I'm sure Hugh doesn't have the slightest idea either.  ;)

This also brings me to the next big change in Alaythia's life, learning the big "no" word.  Up to this point, there wasn't really much that she could do that would warrant a "no" from us; however, now that her world is expanding, she has been adding to the list of no-no's daily.  :)  Her current favorite no-no is spying out cords and using them as teething toys... you can imagine my excitement about that one.  :/  So, we've begun the process of learning "no," which, of course, has been quite a big change for her.  I know she is understanding me though because now sometimes when she begins moving toward a forbidden object, she will turn to see if I'm looking first. 

 One last development that is in the works is pulling up/standing.  She is getting better at pulling up on low objects into a kneeling position, but she still can't quite pull up all the way to standing yet.  If we stand her up next to the coffee table though she will hold on and maintain her stance for a few minutes (or until she gets bored with the toy in front of her).

snuggles with Enoch

hitching a ride with the laundry

Friday, November 6, 2015

FFF: 4 Year Old Enoch

Here is a quick update on Enoch.  It is hard to believe that he is already 4!!!  Hugh and I both so enjoy this little guy, and we are so thankful to see the ways he is growing, developing, and changing.  We enjoy the stories he tells, the music he makes, and the excitement he displays.  As I look back at the past year, here are some things I want to remember about this stage:

Potty training is finally going well.  In fact, Enoch is almost always in big boy underwear these days, unless we go on a long car trip or he is sleeping in bed.  (Though I should say that accidents do still happen for us, and I keep an extra pair of pants in the car, just in case!)

Discipline is still an on-going thing for Enoch, but it is much less common than it was during his 2nd and 3rd years.  It is very easy for Hugh and I to discern if we have his heart or if he is in a rebellious funk.  With the former, he is just the cutest little helper and such a joy to be around.  With the latter, his rebellion is evident through his words and deeds and continues to be a controlling factor until we deal with it.

Playing- Some of Enoch's favorite things to do these days include: playing with machines in the dirt, throwing a ball, shopping for groceries in his kitchen, building with blocks, creating music, reading books with Mama or Daddy, listening to music or audio books on CD, going for walks outside, and playing in the sink or tub.  He still does a good job playing independently, and I typically give him 2 or 3 chances per day to do that.  We have recently begun playing some games (simple ones from Chick Fil A or physical games like chase), which he really enjoys. 

Physical-  Enoch has grown a few inches in height over the past year and slimmed down quite a bit.  He can now jump easily, do a flip in the grass, ride a balance bike (he is at least learning this), kick a ball, and carry big things.  He loves helping bring Karis' walker to her or putting the box of plastic kitchen play food up on top of his kitchen.

Helping with laundry
Music- I feel like this needs its own category now because Enoch is so interested in music.  He especially appreciates live music (though he does NOT like people in a large crowd clapping... it still freaks him out, so that's a bit of a hindrance to him getting to see many performances).  He listens mostly to Christian music (old hymns, contemporary songs, and Bible verses put to music) but he also enjoys classical, country, and marching band styles.  Hugh recently moved his music stuff to the garage (so that it doesn't wake up any napping sisters), so Enoch is able to create music more freely now, and he often brings a harmonica or recorder along on walks or on the way to the car.

Eating- I think Enoch eats a bit less than he did when he was 3.  At any given meal, he eats a bit less than I do, though if the food is extra delicious, he can certainly put away two full size plates of it.  ;)  He generally eats anything we put in front of him, though he prefers to not eat potatoes (unless mashed with gravy) or beets.  He also really appreciates foods made by our international friends (Indian, Bangladeshi, Iranian, Chinese, and Cameroonian).  I do still try to give him a glass of milk with his 3 main meals per day, and then he typically drinks water with his snack(s).

reading to Karis
Siblings- Overall Enoch has grown closer to his sisters over the past year.  I think this is especially true for Karis.  When we drop Karis off for therapy or school, Enoch is always with me, and he often says something like this:
Enoch: "Mama, where's Karis?" 
Me: "She is at therapy right now."
Enoch: "Oh... well I really miss her...  Can we go back and get her now?"
Me: "No, but we will pick her up after (whatever our next activity is, like shopping)."
Enoch:  "Okay... that's fine, but I sure do miss her."
And sometimes when Enoch and I eat lunch without Karis (she is at school), he will pray, "and Father, please keep Karis safe while she is away from Mama."  Isn't that sweet?  It does my heart good to see him growing in his affections for his sister.  He also loves Alaythia, and is *sometimes* real gentle with her, but I expect that some of that may change when she moves out of the baby stage.
holding his newborn

  • This book by Lach ("Can You Hear It?) is one of Enoch's favorites and really got him interested in classical music (it comes with a CD).  I would highly recommend it! 
  •  Fighter Verses This is a great way to be memorizing scripture with your kids.  It is through Desiring God ministries and each week, there is a new verse with a song that is word for word from the ESV Bible.  We love listening to the new song each week, and then after a year of songs, they typically make all the music available on a CD, which we then pop in the car for an easy review session.  :)
  • The Verse Project is a great complement to the fighter verses. 

Other Photos-

One of his favorite places! 

Working the electricity set with Daddy

In the zone!

doing a little taste testing for a school project

 one of his favorite "contributions" to the family

this was at Touch a Truck earlier in the Spring

smiling with his sisters in Nashville

showing Karis the trains