Monday, January 9, 2012

Going to the Library

Our town has a great public library, so a few days ago, a friend and I pushed our babies there in the strollers. :) The weather was great- in the 60s, and the walk was a wonderful workout- there's a HUGE, quite steep hill that you have to make it up to get there (going down the huge, steep hill wasn't the easiest either since we had to keep the strollers from racing down it!!).

Enoch looks a little mad... probably because the stroller wasn't moving!

Enoch's little friend is about 3 months older than him, so she stayed awake for the whole trip. Enoch on the other hand was asleep within minutes of us starting our walk.

Little man & I found some great Spanish books that I'm excited to start reading to him. I hope that I can pick my Spanish back up so that he can begin learning it at a young age. Right now I try to use it when I know the correct translation (like ¿Te gusta? or ¿Que piensas?), but I really need to expand my vocabulary and re-learn my verb conjugations. So I'm hoping that these children's Spanish books will help.

Can't you tell how excited he is??

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