Monday, January 30, 2012

2 & 3 Month Update

Here's a quick update to try and summarize Enoch's development from 2-3 months.

Sleeping- During the whole 2nd month, Enoch was sleeping through the night (9 or 10 pm until 6 or 7 am) only waking up around 4 or 5 for a snack! Then he hit a 3 month growth spurt, and he's been waking up 2-4 times per night since then. Farewell full nights of sleep.

This was a picture of Enoch when we got home from a birthday dinner in a loud restaurant (we stayed out a little past his bedtime :)

Eating- Little man is still nursing 7-8 times a day, and he is quite against the idea of bottles... The Battle of the Bottles is being waged in our home nonetheless, as I'm trying to give him at least one per week so that he doesn't loose his ability to take one altogether. :)

Playing- Enoch loves the pony jumperoo! I think we started putting him in it around 2.5 months (when he had really solid head control), and he has definitely mastered the art of jumping. ;) He also still likes playing on the floor although he hasn't yet discovered how to roll over or grab toys intentionally.

This is a video of an average play time during the week.

Talking- At month 2, Enoch started really finding his voice, specifically when interacting with Hugh. At that point, it was mainly cooing and gargling, but now it is much louder and there is a larger variety of sounds when he talks.. he also now talks a lot more frequently too!

Here's a video of him talking while bouncing a week ago.

Drooling- Yes, it has definitely begun! He can easily soak a bib or his shirt when he has either a thumb or toy in his mouth...

Likes- Being held, going on walks in the carrier, spending time with Daddy, "playing" with his friend Anna (she does all the playing, he just watches), bath time, looking at new things in new places, shopping with Mama, jumping in the pony, reading books (ones that have only a few words per page so that you can turn the pages quickly, otherwise he gets bored), diaper changes, giving kisses (Hugh has "taught" him to kiss although I'm not sure that Little man really knows that he's doing it.. :), being shy (this is a new thing.. When I'm holding him and Hugh comes to kiss him, sometimes he'll turn his face into me so that Hugh can't see him... It even happens when Hugh holds him and I try to kiss him too!)

Dislikes- Tummy time, evening naps, putting on clothes, getting in the car seat (possibly because it is getting too small for him, but also because car seat = restrictedness)

As you can see, he doesn't have too many dislikes for now, for which we are thankful. Parenting him has been such a joy for the past 3.5 months, and we are grateful for all the support from family and friends!

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