Friday, January 16, 2015

FFF: Karis is Learning to Crawl!

Sorry I've been absent lately!  We are in the final days of getting ready for baby Alaythia's arrival, so we've been busy, busy beavers... and napping beavers, too.  ;)  Among all the preparations though, Karis decided that she was ready to start moving!  So for the past week, she's been perfecting what we call the inchworm (similar to the army crawl).  Here's a video:

Isn't she cute?!!?!!  We are so excited for this new phase of learning for Karis and thankful she is increasing in her desire to be engaged in the world around her!! 

This new skill has mainly developed during our potty training times because she gets sat down in the hallway and prefers to be in the bathroom with Enoch and I.  She can go a little further than in the video, but she doesn't have unlimited range yet.  Enoch isn't sure he likes this new development when they are on the floor playing together because he is almost always her #1 target, but he's learning to be more patient and I'm learning how to referee.  ;) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so cute! That is such an army crawl. Congrats on your new addition to the FAM. Y'all are just precious! Thanks for the card!

Caitlin M.

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