Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Baby #3 is Coming!

For some reason, I guess chasing around and caring for two kiddos has been keeping us busy, because this is the first picture of our pregnancy with baby #3... and I'm already 32 weeks pregnant!  :/  oops!!!  Better late than never though, right?  (And how amazing that both kids were actually looking at the camera at the same time!!) 

So far this pregnancy has been similar to my others with no major complications (praise God!!).   At the beginning I had some slight nausea (what I'd call food aversions) and my belly pooched out much sooner than with Enoch (which is expected).   I'm also carrying this baby very low, and I feel like my body is much looser than normal which has called for more soaks in the tub before bed to ease my achy muscles.  Enoch understands that there is a baby in my belly much better this time around, and he even likes to talk to her and give her kisses.  We've been praying for a safe birth during our family prayer time, and that is often his prayer request now, that God would give baby a safe birth.  (Isn't that too sweet???)  Karis has no idea what's going on, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like the fact that my growing belly is limiting her space in mama's lap.  ;) 

As for gender, this little one is supposed to be another girl!  We are very excited about that, and have named her already, though we are still deciding on how to spell her name (sorry if I told you we knew the spelling... we keep going back and forth!!).  The pronunciation is like this though:  "Ah-lay-thee-uh" with the emphasis on "lay."  It means "truth" in Greek, which is the language that the New Testament is written in.  (Hugh chose it before we were even pregnant, which I think is sweet.)  I'm including the verse her name comes from below our picture... it also includes "grace," which is where we got Karis from, so both sisters are actually in this verse.   Her middle name will be Ruth, which means "friend." 

"And the Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."
(John 1:14)

1 comment:

Allison said...

Congratulations! Excited for you and your family! You look great!

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