Thursday, October 23, 2014

FFF: The past two weeks in photos

The past two weeks have been full and fun.  Not too much out of the ordinary happened, but the sweetness of time together and simplicity has been good.  Here are some photos:

Checking out our flashlights in our emergency kit after a big storm came through 2 weeks ago.  Enoch enjoyed the headlamp and was sad to see it get packed away again!

 And my shaggy Little Man finally got his long over-due haircut!  It was so hard for me to take the scissors to those sweet curls, but it was time.  He got to watch a movie about a sled dog while I cut his hair, and he really enjoyed it.  He recounted the story to anyone who would listen for days.  ;)

Enoch has also begun reading to Karis recently.  Sometimes it's too rowdy to be helpful or safe, but the past few times have been really sweet and he actually points to the pictures when he tells her the words.  I love to catch little moments like these (both in photos and by praising my helper who showed love to his sister).  

Karis and Enoch have begun playing back and forth while they wait to eat by laughing really loud to one another - first one, then the other, and then repeat.  This is Karis in the middle of one of her loud belly laughs.  :)

Enoch got to play in the play area at Chick Fil A last week as an end of the week treat since we had stayed home and worked on some of Mama's projects/cared for a sick sister all week. 

And last weekend, Hugh took the kids to a high school robotics competition that was being held on campus.  As you can imagine, Enoch had a lot to say about that afterwards!  

And I couldn't help but snap this pic of sweet Karis waiting in line for her turn in the shower.   These days Hugh lets both kids shower with him a few times per week.  Enoch loves playing in there with his bucket of toys, and Karis enjoys it these days as well, though she only stays in long enough to get clean at this point.

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