Friday, September 26, 2014

FFF: Big Boy Carseat

Enoch was just about to outgrow his convertible carseat (due to his seated height, not weight), so we went ahead and got him a new one and shifted Karis into his previous one.  We drove to the nearest baby store (about an hour away) to shop and measure (literally) the options, in order to see which one might keep Enoch in a 5-point harness longest.  (For some reason, most carseat manufacturers don't divulge any information about the maximum seated height for their seats, so we needed to go and measure in person.)  Thankfully, we found one that gives him about 4-5 more inches and then can convert into a booster seat.  It also fit comfortably into the car, so that was a bonus!  (The nice man at Toys-R-Us moved it into almost every seating option in our van, just to be sure.) 

Here it is in our van with both kiddos in their new seats.  

Enoch is still learning how to be gentle with Karis (he can easily reach over and harass her if he so desires), and the mirrors help me monitor that.  Karis absolutely loves having him so close to her, and she often leans forward to watch him, having to look past the edge of her carseat to see what he is doing. I think both kids are pleased with their promotions to larger seats, and especially of being able to sit so close together.  :) 

Here's a link to our older convertible carseat that we've loved (the one Karis is in).
And here's a link to our new one that we are also loving so far (the one Enoch is in, which can become a booster seat).  It is on the pricey side, but it was one of the only ones that would work in our van (because of the "click-tight" technology), and it was exceptionally taller than the other options (2-4" taller than some at ~19" seated height, by my measurements). 

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