"However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace." Acts 20:24
To be honest, I was hoping that Enoch wouldn't become mobile until AFTER we had moved to MS, you know, trying to make the move a little easier... So for the longest time, I hadn't been working with him on crawling or rolling. Well, then I got in trouble by a certain daddy who is just always trying to teach his child the next best thing. :) So after a week or so of 'practicing' (mainly meaning having lots of tummy-time), he finally learned how to roll both ways. He already had the back-to-tummy roll figured out, but this week he learned the tummy-to-back roll. In my opinion, what pushed him over the edge of learning this was the fact that he finally decided he wanted something (my water bottle) and that he was going to do something about it (roll). He doesn't always put out too much effort for toys, but objects that aren't toys (and yet are allowable) are the most enticing: water bottles, cups, etc!
So hypothetically now he could roll in a straight line to get just about whatever he wants. I say hypothetically for a few reasons: 1) he doesn't really roll in a straight line, it's pretty crooked to be honest, 2) usually his head gets in the way as he tries to roll because he likes to watch what he's trying to get, and this keeps him from being able to roll all the way over (hard to describe), and 3) he hasn't quite figured out the amazing amount of potential mobility that he now has. :)
Everyday he gets a little better though, so once he's really getting around I'll post another video. For now, I hope you can enjoy this one. It includes him transitioning from sitting to laying, rolling over a few different times, and even looking for daddy at the very end (that's the cutest part to me - Hugh leaves half way through the video and goes back to his office, later Enoch starts talking, saying what we think is his version of 'dada', and when I ask about Daddy, he rolls over and looks down the hallway toward Hugh's office. so presh!!!).
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