Sunday, April 1, 2012

Memorizing the Word of God

This is a continuation from this post.

My new method of memorizing verses from the Bible is to choose a verse (or preferably a passage) out of a book that I am either reading through (via my daily Bible reading) or a book that I am studying (via my church or sunday school).  This really helps me in a few ways:
  • I understand the context and true meaning of the verses much better.
  • I am able to better remember what different books of the Bible are about.
  • I am spending deeper time in the Word.
  • I am letting the Word impact me more as I go through it (memorizing Scripture can be a practical way to apply what you read).
Here is HOW John Piper (from Desiring God) recommends memorizing the Scriptures (in condensed form):
So I would just encourage people to set aside 5 or 10 minutes, 
and then repeat, repeat, repeat. Read the verse 10 times, say it 10 times, 
close your Bible, and then review it during the day from a piece of paper.

I am trying to be diligent about following his advice and setting aside 5-10 minutes a day to do this.  It really does go a long way, and ANYONE can do it!  (Think for example of other things you memorize daily: lyrics, numbers or titles for work, etc.)

For a more detailed explanation of how to memorize, check out these Navigators' tips.  And if you don't know where to start, you could consider trying the Navigators' topical memory system here.  This is where I started years ago, but I did not review the context before I began memorizing... Don't make this mistake!  If you use their system, I recommend reading the entire chapter from which each verse comes so that you understand the verse in its context.   (I have a few other practical recommendations that I've used on and off that have helped me, but more on those later.)

Here's a great video from John Piper about WHY memorizing the Word is so vital for Christians.  If you are a Christian, you need to watch this!!

By John Piper. © Desiring God. Website:

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