Thursday, October 10, 2013

When should tummy time stop?

For some reason, once Enoch was able to roll and crawl, I just assumed that he didn't need tummy time anymore.  And let's be honest, at some point the pediatrician stopped asking about it and keeping him down on his tummy became challenging - the boy just wanted to move.  So, if you would have asked me a few months ago, I would have guessed that at 6-9 months, once children have reached those two critical milestones, they should be done with tummy time.

This is my Sweet Girl working hard this week
during her daily tummy time

However, I recently stumbled upon this piece of advice from Melissa & Doug and was very surprised that older children should still be having tummy time!  Apparently it's a good way to continue strengthening their core muscles, which are quite important for most (if not all) of life's activities.  Who knew?!?!!  So now, if you were to ask me that same question, I'd answer that even teens should probably be having some tummy time every once in awhile... maybe even old married women like myself.  ;)  

Check out the original article to get a few good tips for engaging older children while on their tummies: 
5 Tummy Time Tips (from Melissa & Doug, 8.7.13)

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