Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We have had road construction near our house for months now, and every time we drive toward it, Enoch begins yelling "cheen, cheen, more cheen" asking to see the machines involved with the construction.  ;)  Typically we'll at least see a few machines parked and waiting, but on some occasions we actually do see them using the machines.  Recently though, most of the exciting machines have moved further down the street, away from my daily driving path, meaning that we see less of them, which is quite the bummer for my Little Guy.

I was telling my mom (I think) about Enoch's excitement over those machines a week or so ago, and she said that I needed to just let that poor boy stop and watch those machines work for a little while.  And so, earlier this week it just so happens that when we drove by the machines a few key things fell into place and we were able to stop and watch them (namely, Karis wanted to nurse and there was a good parking place across the street from the machines).  So I nursed Karis while Enoch enjoyed the excavator working.  And I'm pretty sure he didn't miss anything that excavator did because his eyes never left it.  ;)

Here's a video of the machine and Enoch the spectator.

Though I am certainly not planning to stop and gawk at these construction workers everyday or anything, I am so thankful that the Lord provided at least one chance for us to stop and let Enoch enjoy the show!  And truly, it was His perfect timing because not only did we get a good parking spot and have a content (nursing) baby, but the machine was incredibly active the whole 20 minutes we were parked and watching!

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