Monday, October 7, 2013

Around our house: the 4th bedroom

I'm so thankful to announce that we have completed our renovations to our 4th bedroom!!  {It has been a long awaited renovation, which has taken up much of Hugh's garage space, so I think he is thankful as well.}

To explain part of our excitement, I should begin by showing you firsthand the condition in which we first found this room - inhabited by a typical college guy.  This of course meant that after he moved out, his stained carpet and residual trash remained.  As did the holes in the wall and the dip stains on the baseboards where he missed the trash can one too many times.

So after we moved in, we quickly removed the carpet and filled in the holes in the wall.  Eventually, Hugh found a great deal on some wood flooring (which came out of MSU's gym floor), so he bought it and piled it in the garage.  Unfortunately, it still had the staples in it, which made the project of installing it seem so much larger than if it were new flooring.  And so it sat, piled 3' high by 6' wide in our garage for months.  (I wish I had a picture because it made our garage so unorganized and hard to walk through!!)

Finally, a few things fell into place, and we decided to hire someone to install it for us.  This lit a fire under my tail to get the room painted first (knowing that it would be SO much easier to do without having to tape drop cloths down to protect the new floor).  And so, after waiting for months with no progress on this room, we ended up knocking it out in 1.5 weeks!  I taped and painted, Hugh did some light floor prep, our handyman installed the flooring, and then before we knew it, we were done!

in process

Here's our final product!!  I love how the aqua blue looks with the light hardwood.  Even more than that though, I love having one more room finished and marked off of our "to renovate" list!!!!  :)

More coming soon about our plans for this room....

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