Monday, January 30, 2012

2 & 3 Month Update

Here's a quick update to try and summarize Enoch's development from 2-3 months.

Sleeping- During the whole 2nd month, Enoch was sleeping through the night (9 or 10 pm until 6 or 7 am) only waking up around 4 or 5 for a snack! Then he hit a 3 month growth spurt, and he's been waking up 2-4 times per night since then. Farewell full nights of sleep.

This was a picture of Enoch when we got home from a birthday dinner in a loud restaurant (we stayed out a little past his bedtime :)

Eating- Little man is still nursing 7-8 times a day, and he is quite against the idea of bottles... The Battle of the Bottles is being waged in our home nonetheless, as I'm trying to give him at least one per week so that he doesn't loose his ability to take one altogether. :)

Playing- Enoch loves the pony jumperoo! I think we started putting him in it around 2.5 months (when he had really solid head control), and he has definitely mastered the art of jumping. ;) He also still likes playing on the floor although he hasn't yet discovered how to roll over or grab toys intentionally.

This is a video of an average play time during the week.

Talking- At month 2, Enoch started really finding his voice, specifically when interacting with Hugh. At that point, it was mainly cooing and gargling, but now it is much louder and there is a larger variety of sounds when he talks.. he also now talks a lot more frequently too!

Here's a video of him talking while bouncing a week ago.

Drooling- Yes, it has definitely begun! He can easily soak a bib or his shirt when he has either a thumb or toy in his mouth...

Likes- Being held, going on walks in the carrier, spending time with Daddy, "playing" with his friend Anna (she does all the playing, he just watches), bath time, looking at new things in new places, shopping with Mama, jumping in the pony, reading books (ones that have only a few words per page so that you can turn the pages quickly, otherwise he gets bored), diaper changes, giving kisses (Hugh has "taught" him to kiss although I'm not sure that Little man really knows that he's doing it.. :), being shy (this is a new thing.. When I'm holding him and Hugh comes to kiss him, sometimes he'll turn his face into me so that Hugh can't see him... It even happens when Hugh holds him and I try to kiss him too!)

Dislikes- Tummy time, evening naps, putting on clothes, getting in the car seat (possibly because it is getting too small for him, but also because car seat = restrictedness)

As you can see, he doesn't have too many dislikes for now, for which we are thankful. Parenting him has been such a joy for the past 3.5 months, and we are grateful for all the support from family and friends!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

When daddies do diapers...

...little boys turn into plumbers...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Holding on & Chewing

Just wanted to show Little Man figuring out how to hold onto his rings & put them in his mouth... He really enjoys chewing on the ones with textures. Maybe we are closer to teeth than I expected?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Kaitlin's Visit

Hugh's sister, Kaitlin, came to visit us this past weekend since she was out of college on winter break. We really enjoyed her visit and were so glad that she got to meet and play with Enoch. She became a pro at making him laugh and putting him to sleep, and she even helped Hugh change a few dirty diapers. (What a sister! :)

The first day that she was here, we opened up a new puzzle that had many colorful stamps from all across the world. Hugh decided that we shouldn't use the box to put it together, and let's just say that it was a true CHALLENGE!

Mid-way through.

Kaitlin was definitely our puzzle champ- she never gave up on it and contributed much more effort & time than either of us did. Enoch didn't contribute much more than pulling pieces off the table, but we let him sit with us while we worked on it anyway. (and yes, we were careful not to let him put any pieces in his mouth ;)

On Sunday, we just relaxed at home after church and worked more on our puzzle. We (Kaitlin and I) also watched the Help, and I'd give it 2 thumbs up. We both agreed that the movie had some suspenseful tension, and I won't lie, I experienced a few tear-jerking moments...

On Monday we took a walk to one of our favorite eateries in town for lunch- Q'doba. After lunch, we went onto campus and took some fun photos...

All three of us

Big Brother and Little Sister

.... And then we finished our puzzle!!!

And then we did another (much easier) one!

Here are a few videos of Kaitlin and Enoch playing.


Monday, January 9, 2012

Going to the Library

Our town has a great public library, so a few days ago, a friend and I pushed our babies there in the strollers. :) The weather was great- in the 60s, and the walk was a wonderful workout- there's a HUGE, quite steep hill that you have to make it up to get there (going down the huge, steep hill wasn't the easiest either since we had to keep the strollers from racing down it!!).

Enoch looks a little mad... probably because the stroller wasn't moving!

Enoch's little friend is about 3 months older than him, so she stayed awake for the whole trip. Enoch on the other hand was asleep within minutes of us starting our walk.

Little man & I found some great Spanish books that I'm excited to start reading to him. I hope that I can pick my Spanish back up so that he can begin learning it at a young age. Right now I try to use it when I know the correct translation (like ¿Te gusta? or ¿Que piensas?), but I really need to expand my vocabulary and re-learn my verb conjugations. So I'm hoping that these children's Spanish books will help.

Can't you tell how excited he is??

Family Worship

One of our goals for this year (that we hope will continue even after 2012) is to have a regular time of family worship together each night. We thought this would be a good goal for us as a family for a few reasons:
  • Keep our family focused on God
  • Provide a regular time of worship together as a family throughout the week (since worship is important everyday, not just on Sundays)
  • Train our children about the three main ways we worship: reading, praying, and singing (We hope to train our children to worship with us on Sundays, even at an early age, so doing family worship everyday will work with that goal as well.)
  • Keep us accountable to teaching our children the important truths that God has given us about himself.

The family worship "plan" that we follow right now is: Read, Pray, Sing (thanks to Donald Whitney for this plan in his book Family Worship in the Bible, in History, and in Your Home). We really appreciate the simplicity of this outline because we feel like it is easily adapted. For now, since little man is so small, we read one chapter out of our Storybook Bible (ours has pictures he can look at), pray for a part of our church, and then sing a song that has good truths in the lyrics and (usually) relates to the story that we read.

**If you are interested in a good children's storybook bible, Justin Taylor did a review and comparison of a few on this blog post.

Big Bouncing

Just a quick post for all of the family. Last night Enoch really started bouncing hard and big in the pony. It was so fun to watch... I tried to get a video of his feet and his face so that you could see how much he's jumping/dancing and how much he's enjoying it.


Saturday, January 7, 2012

Glorying in God's Goodness... even in the small things

So we haven't been able to make our 2 month appointment yet because we have been waiting on Enoch's insurance to come through and approve us. This is really partly my fault since I filled out the application a few weeks after he was born (rather than immediately upon his arrival). So our doctor's office has been billing us in the meantime. The problem with making our appointment though is that they have some sort of policy where they require proof of coverage before the 2 month appointment... and we don't have that yet.

Anyway, at around Enoch's 2 month mark, I was talking with a girl friend who was on that insurance, and she was telling me that it didn't take too long for them to get approved, but that getting a hold of the insurance company was near impossible. Nonetheless, she thought it was a good idea for me to try and get in touch with them to see what our status was.

Well, I put that off for probably a week or so, mainly because it seemed like the only times I remembered to call were during the "non-business" hours that I'm running in this establishment I call a home or when I was without a phone near my reach, i.e. breastfeeding on the couch. :)

So all of these setbacks were not working in our favor, but God is so much bigger than my laziness or forgetfulness or anything else that was working against us, and His grace reaches even into the small things in life, like insurance. Let me tell you how this story continued showing God's sovereign grace in every detail:

On Thursday the 8th of December I finally called the insurance company. The timing of this was definitely orchestrated by God because I was on hold less than 2 minutes (my girl friend had told me that she had to try at least 5 times to get through) when a lady picked up and told me they had just sent my case to a different office to be reviewed because they were backed up. THEN she told me that if I had more questions, that I could call the lady who had my application AND preceded to give me her name and number. Quite helpful, right?

So then I call BB, the lady reviewing my application. Again, totally God's timing for this phone call. Upon answering, BB told me that she had just postmarked a letter to me because my application was incomplete. {How interesting, huh? She had just done this that day... maybe even just minutes before, because she remembered my name.} She continued on to explain that we hadn't included Hugh's social (which was an easy fix) and that she needed proof of Enoch's existence {fair enough}. So she told me that I needed to get her a copy of his birth certificate and proof that we had applied for his social within 10 days or else our application would be rejected. Believe it or not though, she explained all of this really nicely! :) And, thankfully, since I had called her I gained an extra day because she gave us 10 days from when we should've received the letter. Really though, it was like gaining 4 days because of the weekend (I didn't actually receive the letter until Monday the 12th.).

Unfortunately, the requirement of a birth certificate was a new problem. You see, having a home birth makes getting a birth certificate difficult. Because we were not assisted by a state licensed midwife, the state has a few requirements to prove that we really had a baby and that it happened in the state. I had received a letter some time ago explaining to me the somewhat-complicated documents the state would need to see in order to give Enoch a birth certificate, but I shelved it in the procrastination stack since I knew it would take a lot of digging to gather everything they needed... {bad call!}

So I immediately called the lady who was in charge of granting birth certificates for our state, MB. Unfortunately, by this point it was after 4:00, and she was gone for the day. So I left a voicemail and started reading in detail about the state's required documents to see if I could scrounge them up.

To prove that Enoch really had been born, they only needed to see an ultrasound image and/or doctor's records. {Check, check, got that.}

To prove my residency in the state, they wanted to see a photo id of me with an in-state address {no problem!} AND either bills (with my name and address) or credit card receipts (from our state) within BOTH two weeks before and after Enoch's birth. This was the hard part! First of all, we don't use credit cards.. We also do most of our utility billing through the internet, not the snail mail. Thankfully, we receive one bill in the mail, but I couldn't find the bill that we received after he was born (probably because those first few weeks are SO busy). So I called that company and asked if they could print me another one off, and after some verification, they did. And I picked it up from their office that day before they closed at 5:00... Another example of God's goodness in timing!!

Sure enough, on Friday morning (the 9th), MB called me back to answer my questions about the birth certificate. She said that my documents seemed to be in order and encouraged me to ship them out that day via priority mail (w/ a pre-addressed, pre-paid envelope for the certificate to be mailed back in) so that she could look at them first thing the following week and then get them right back in the mail. So I did! This is why having that weekend worked to my advantage (shipping still happens on Saturdays).

So on Tuesday the 13th, MB called to tell me that everything went well and Enoch's birth certificate was in the mail. I expected it to arrive on Thursday, but when it didn't, I knew that I'd be cutting it close to get everything into BB's hands by Monday the 19th.

When Friday morning (the 16th) rolled around, I called the social security office to see what documents they would need in order for us to apply for a social. The lady I spoke with was so helpful and sweet! She explained that they needed a birth certificate and my identification as well as a stamped letter from a doctor's office with his name and date of birth. {one more thing added to the to-do list!} She also told me that they closed at 3:30, which really put a time-crunch on my day since I do still live by Enoch's eating schedule.

Since our mail usually comes in the afternoon, I asked God for help with receiving the birth certificate earlier than normal, and when I checked right after lunch, He had answered. So by 1:00 Enoch and I were off to the races. First we needed to go and get our doctor's report stamped to look official for the SS office. We rolled in the parking lot at 1:35 to find a note on the door saying "Closed for meeting from 12-2 on Friday, 12/16." But when I tested the door, it was open, so I decided to head in where it was warm and try to get be the first in line at the counter when they re-opened. As I was waiting, little man started waking up, so I began rocking the carseat and singing to him. After 5 minutes of waiting, a lady came through a back door and was shocked to see me standing by the front counter. {I guess the door actually should've been locked.} She happened to be one of the higher-ups and had come over to grab something during their Christmas Party {not really a meeting, but meeting sounds more official}. She was very nice and helpful {yet another blessing!}. So she stamped and signed my document and wished me a Merry Christmas. {how amazing was it that I didn't have to wait until 2?!?!}

Next, I rushed {meaning drove quite safely since I had little man with me} over to the Social Security Card Office. On the way I grabbed lunch thinking that I would have a long wait because they do the pull-a-number system. Let me say that I was quite wrong- I had no more than sat down with my number when I heard my number called.. I had to triple check my number just to be sure that I was hearing correctly. The lady who ended up helping me was the same sweet lady who spoke with me on the phone. She ended up being a Christian, and we had a delightful talk (about God's faithfulness) while she completed the necessary documents. By the time I was walking out of the SS office (with my proof of application in hand... actually in the "Enoch" folder), it was only 2:30! {See, more of God's goodness in so many small details!}

Then, I needed to drive to the next town over and find BB (the lady with my insurance application) to give her all of these documents (birth certificate & proof of SS app). Finding her building was pretty simple, but there was no directory with names and office numbers, so I had to go into the first one I saw and ask for help. They gave me directions down the hallway, but the directions were a little vague. When I came to the door that I thought should've been the correct one, there was a lady walking out and locking it. Upon asking, she said that she was BB but that she was headed to a meeting across town. She asked who I was and what I needed from her. When I explained to her the whole story, she was kind enough to unlock her door and make copies of my documents. {Wow! Can I just say that if I would've gotten lost or side-tracked or even been just 30 seconds later in finding her office, that I would've missed her completely!} THEN she said that she would even take my application with her and work on it that weekend since she knew that we needed to get a doctor's appointment scheduled. THEN she told me quite a few insider's-tricks about the insurance's policies regarding doctor selection. {I cannot explain how amazed I was at this point... I was blown away by all of the tiny details that God had orchestrated for our good.}

On Monday, BB called me and confirmed that we had been granted insurance. She gave me all of the numbers and explained a few more things about the system. And on Wednesday, I called and scheduled Enoch's doctor appointment (It ended up being more like a 3 month appointment, but that's okay by us!). And that's the end of the saga about how God worked in the small things to help us get good, affordable insurance for Enoch. {If you made it to the end of the story, congratulations!! I hope you can glory in God's goodness with me.}


Friday, January 6, 2012

Quick and Delicious Nachos

This is a fun recipe that Hugh and I both love. And it's one that I would deem a "30 minutes or less" recipe, so that's even better!

Here's what you need:
  • Foil
  • Mexican style chips (bottom of the bag small pieces are perfect!)
  • Black beans (or refried, whatever you prefer)
  • Shredded cheese (we like cheddar for this one)
  • Salsa
  • Pre-cooked, pre-seasoned taco meat (When I make tacos, I make extra meat & freeze it, or sometimes I make this recipe when I run out of taco shells.)
  • Shredded lettuce (I prefer fresh leaf lettuce shredded real small)
**You can add anything else you like/have in your fridge to this as well like sour cream or pico de gallo.. mmm!
**The amounts on these ingredients really depends on how many people you're serving and how many nights you plan to make this meal and which ingredients you like most.

Here's what you do:
  • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
  • Line a baking dish with foil for easy clean up. (I use a 9"x9" shallow pan for making 2-3 servings.)
  • Crumble up a layer of chips about 1/4"-1/2" think in your pan.
  • Then add a layer of beans however think you like.
  • Next, add a layer of cheese (I put the cheese as the middle layer so that it doesn't get over-cooked, since it heats up faster than the other ingredients)
  • After that, add a layer of salsa
  • Then add a layer of meat
  • Add anything else that needs to be heated up...
  • Put uncovered in the oven for about 10 minutes
  • Take it out and stir a little to mix everything up
  • Bake another 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted
  • Serve in bowls layered with the shredded lettuce

My 9"x9" pan makes just enough for us two (granted, Hugh usually has 1.5-2 bowls), but you can use whatever sized pan you want based on your family size and simply adjust the recipe accordingly. I love this recipe because it really allows you to use up your left-overs since it is so customizable (one night may have more lettuce while the next night may have less salsa, etc.)

Note: Even though I thoroughly enjoy making large meals so that I have re-heatable left overs in the fridge, I don't do that with this meal because the chips get soggy and it tastes quite gross. So I usually make just enough for one night each time I make these nachos.

Delicious Nachos + Lunchtime = Happy Husband

Here are some picture steps to help those of you who are visual (like me!).

Layer of Chips

Layer of Beans

Layer of Cheese

Layer of Meat

Layer of Salsa

Mix it all together after it's been heated 10 min & pop it back in the oven

Layer with lettuce in bowls & serve


Monday, January 2, 2012

Crafting with mommy

I needed to do some crafting today, so after giving Enoch a bath, I put him in his pony jumperoo to play while I crafted in the floor beside him. He did such a good job playing and bouncing! Every few minutes I'd look up and interact with him, but after a little while I became a little too concentrated on crafting, and the next time I looked up, this is what I saw:

Yep, either I bored the little man to sleep or he wore himself out by playing too much... I thought it was so funny that I shot a quick video of him half-asleep in the pony.

This is the first time he's ever fallen asleep in his pony, and it just goes to show that he's still in the sleepy stages of baby-dom. :)

Speaking of sleepy babies, Enoch just started rubbing his eyes when he's tired a few weeks ago, and it really helps us know when he's ready for a nap! He's not so skilled at it yet though, so it sometimes looks like he's gonna claw his eyes out... eek!!

Anyway, a few nights ago, we were really surprised at how fast he fell asleep when he started rubbing his eyes..

After some eye-rubbing, he cried for just a few minutes...

Then, he entered the blank-stare phase where he kind of zones out..

And then he just fell asleep, even in this somewhat awkward position. :)