Friday, November 21, 2014

FFF: Sharing Some Ice Cream

We love going to Chick Fil A for lunch, especially on cold winter days because they have an indoor playarea!!  After we're all done eating, Enoch gets to choose between keeping his book (from the kid's meal) or exchanging it for a small cup of ice cream.  I'd guess that 75% of the time he goes for the ice cream, and I don't blame him because they have some delicious, creamy ice cream at CFA!  Anyway, he has learned how to walk up to the counter and ask to "pwease twade my book for an ice-kweem cup,"  which he then patiently waits for.  The one thing we are still working on learning is how to wait to eat it until we are back to the table... he always tries to sneak a few licks while walking, which often makes him bump into people and chairs, but oh well..  ;)  And because he really likes feeding Karis, he will also usually share with her once we get back to the table, which she just loves!  

Karis, enjoying her brother's generosity

Enoch, thinking about how he's so glad he traded in his book for some ice cold sweet stuff that melts in his hungry little mouth

And a video of him sharing with her..  this is a long one, but it's pretty funny near the end... and I think Karis licking her lips as she prepares for the next bite is just too cute!  Enjoy!

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