Friday, April 4, 2014

FFF: Quadraped with Daddy (video)

Here's a video I got yesterday from Hugh and Karis doing a little quadraped workout together.  This is one of the exercises we practice at PT in order to help Karis build enough strength and coordination to learn to crawl.  She has just recently been able to hold herself up like the video shows.  One of the next steps for her will be rocking forward (getting her bottom up off her heels) as well as reaching out with one hand at a time and being able to balance on her other arm.

One sweet thing that I want to remember about this exercise is that Karis does it so well for her Daddy.  When I used to work with her on it by myself, she never held it very long and would begin crying as soon as she realized what I was up to.  Now, however, she will happily hold it for her Daddy, and she's shown such great progress in only a few weeks of him working on it with her.  (In therapy, we feed her Puffs while she holds it, which she is also happy to work for.)


Granny Sandy said...

I could just watch this all day, over and over and over. Love that little sweetie pie. Good job, Daddy! You're a good coach!

Anonymous said...

Will work for Puffs! hehe. You are such a good mom! Miss you!

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