Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Delaying Solids Until 6 Months

When Enoch was young, we were told that babies should begin eating solids, namely rice or oatmeal cereal, when they are 4 months old.  So we, as good parents, attempted it on his four month birthday.  He did a rather good job of taking to the spoon; however, we soon realized that the oatmeal cereal was giving him bad constipation, even though we were only feeding him a little per day.

Even though Alaythia has almost reached the magic age of four months, I've decided to hold off on introducing solids this time around (we also waited with Karis).  My plan is to exclusively breastfeed for at least the first 6 months of her life.  Once we get to six months, we'll see where she's at in a few different areas before we dive in:

  • her interest in food,
  • her ability to sit up,
  • her desire to learn about the spoon, and
  • her digestive readiness.

Though I originally decided to hold off on solids because of my experience with Enoch at this stage, after doing more research, I've found that waiting until 6 months to begin solids is actually better (and recommended by many organizations like the WHO and the AAP).  These two articles below from Kellymom helped me confirm my decision.  The first one lists many reasons why waiting until 6 months is best.  The second one details how to decide when your baby is actually ready for solids and also goes through many common misconceptions about starting solids.  {I'm including one interesting fact from each under its respective link.  Check out both of them to learn more!}

Why delay solids?
{Adding solids replaces breastmilk in a baby's diet, meaning a lower milk supply for mom as well as lower immunity levels for baby.}

Is my baby ready for solids?
{Having a big baby is NOT a good reason to start solids early, nor is trying to help them sleep through the night.}


Friday, May 8, 2015

FFF: Our Garden Update, May 2015

Here is a garden update from earlier this week...

I should give a disclaimer that we planted our garden a few weeks earlier than the frost dates suggested, which could've been an absolute failure, but it worked out okay down here because we've had a warmer than average Spring.  So technically our garden has been growing for around 1 month now, and it has already been fertilized once. (We planted most everything the first week and a half of April, and I fertilized 2 weeks ago.  I use the fish emulsion fertilizer, so I need to do it again soon..)

 One of my garden helpers, watering the squash plants.  See those blooms?

Our bachelor buttons are blooming!

We found this little guy today.  Not sure what he is, but he was fun for Enoch to play with, and now he is no longer in my garden.  

Our cucumbers have found the trellis and are putting out blooms!

Our pole beans (Rattlesnake beans) have found their trellis.  The bush beans are in there too on the other side of the bucket and are also growing (Royalty Purple Pod beans)!

Our first little pepper is growing.

And our tomato plants have blooms (the cherry tomatoes).

Onions are growing a little.

A few strawberries are ripening, though critters usually get them before we are able to enjoy them.

Working on another project... he's a hard worker, this one, and he just loves being outside.

Look how tall our cherry tomatoes are!!  (The better boys in the other bed aren't doing as well because they get less sun... that could be a problem!)

My other garden helper... in her jammies... don't judge, you know she's cute.

Alaythia was inside asleep while we watered.  On the mornings when she sleeps in a little, we scramble outside to enjoy some shady time in the front yard until she wakes up.  This happens a few times per week, and I so relish those times of getting my hands dirty and my feet wet with my big kids.  :)


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Spring Garden 2015 (in the beginning)

Here are some photos to document the beginnings of our garden this year.

These carrots were so exciting to harvest (fall crop)!  They really gave me incentive to work hard on getting our summer garden going since it often yields such delicious foods!

Doing our garden prep of cleaning out the beds & readying the soil.

Here is what we got in the ground:

Our front bed is mainly dedicated to some Better Boy tomatoes as well as flowers (these are mainly cool season flowers, to be replaced soon by summer flowers).

Around on the side we have a good stand of Bachelor Buttons that re-seeded themselves.

Further down we planted some cucumbers (they will grow up that trellis).

And on the end we put squash plants in.

On the other side of that walkway is where our buckets are.  This year they have beans in them (bush & pole)!

And last but certainly not least is my 4x8' raised bed, which is mainly dedicated to our favorites: cherry tomatoes (8 of them!).  There are also a few pepper plants and onions tucked in there.  And in the back center are a few bunches of leaf lettuce which are waiting to be harvested (they were our other fall crop).


Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Here are some photos of all three of the kids that I've taken over the past few months.  It's pretty hard to get a decent photo of everyone, but at least they are good memories.  :) 

Enoch singing to baby Alaythia to comfort her while I made lunch.  (Just before lunch time is often our crazy hour!!)

Big kids laughing it up!

Getting ready for bed & doing tummy time

Resting on the floor

I just love it when google puts a string of photos together to show just how wiggly my kiddos truly are when it comes to "smiling" for the camera!


Friday, May 1, 2015

FFF: Walking the Lake

Just a few photos from our walk around the lake this week.  Enoch was a trouper and walked the whole loop (almost 1 mile) by my side while the girls took a nap in the stroller. 

Early on in our walk we discovered the lake's 3 ducks laying in the shade, relaxing by the sidewalk.  Although they hadn't been bothered by all of the joggers running by, they decided they'd better get up on their feet and head for the water when they saw our mammoth stroller coming at them.  ;)

 napping girls

My little guy.

After our walk, we treated ourselves by feeding the ducks some bread. 

It was such a beautiful day, and I so enjoyed getting out and stretching my legs a bit!!